
Cas has changed a lot, and finding those transitions have been difficult. He’s gone from being a very self-assured, confident, powerful creature, when he first showed up, to wanting to assimilate into human society more and being more unsure of himself and more awkward, and then transitioning back to being God is another big change. So, there have been a lot of shifts over time, and negotiating each one of those provides its own unique challenges, but they’re all interesting and fun and make the job a lot of fun.

— Misha Collins, Collider

I think that I’m sort of perpetually in denial about things like that. I just saw it as a guest star role that turned into a recurring role that turned into a longer run, and I’ve sort of been in denial for some time. But then I started getting fan mail, pillows with needlepoint portraits with my face on them and things like that.

— Misha Collins, AfterElton

You ask such pointed questions — I think you want the mysteries of this show to be ruined for everyone. I feel like you’re goading the witness right now, and I don’t appreciate it. Needless to say, I think that everyone is aware that the angel tablet is a very important stone document. [Laughs.]

— Misha Collins, Huffington Post

You know, I wouldn’t discount the fan input. I know that the writers are taking the pulse of the fan community. Supernatural is one of the biggest shows in the world for fan conventions, so we go to those events and have face to face contact with the fans so we have that sort of direct feedback in that venue. I know that the writers and producers are paying attention to the fans. They are a very vocal minority of the viewers but they are listened to for sure.

— Misha Collins, AfterElton

I mean, honestly, knowing the characters as well as I do, I would hope that if someone asked Cas to kill Sam and Dean that he would do it. I mean, just do what you’re asked! Do what you’re told. [Laughs.] I think that it would be without dramatic merit if Cas were told to do something like take out Sam and Dean and were to do it without any struggle. So I’m sure that there will be some sort of tension around any programming conflict, with Sam and Dean.

— Misha Collins, Huffington Post

It is good to be God, yeah. It’s nice to get the recognition that I’ve been working so hard for. It’s hard to be God. It’s not easy. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it. Maybe at home, with your family? It’s not going as smoothly as one would hope, to be honest with you. Being God is not all it’s cracked up to be, and it’s not as easy as one would think it would be. You’d think the deck would be really stacked in your favor as God, but of course, I’ve run into some pretty big obstacles and problems already.

— Misha Collins, Collider

Yeah, I definitely do miss that dynamic. I have loved doing the intimate scenes with Dean or Jensen over the years the most. There’s something about that dynamic that just seems to work really well. And I’m sorry to see that go. And, I don’t know, part of me feels like it could have been given a little bit more juice. I don’t know that it got its just desserts.

— Misha Collins, AOL TV

When the Haiti earthquake happened, I registered with UNICEF to set up an account, and posted to Twitter for people to donate to it. In a matter of a couple of hours, $30,000 had been donated. That, to me, was eye-opening.

— Misha Collins

Don’t tell me how to do this. Don’t tell me what to do! Stop it! Don’t talk to me like that in front of these people.

— Misha Collins, To Jensen Ackles @ Jus In Bello 3 Convention